"Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard." Jeremiah 50:2

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Busy Man

For those who may read this blog and do not know, I am a full-time student at Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri. August 31 was the first day of my fourth semester in class. This semester my course load totals 13 hours. I take my education seriously and try to do the best that I possibly can. If a person is going to serve God, I believe they should do it with all their might, including the training that goes into serving.

In addition to attending school full time, I also have the responsibility of supporting my wife and my four children, which requires that I work full time as well.

I say all that to say this, keeping up with this blog is the least of my priorities. If I do not post something it is not because I have fallen off the face of the earth. I will do my best to try to write something at least on a monthly basis, but I am making no promises or guarantees. If you have any comments on any posts I make or have made feel free to send them. I will publish all comments that do not contain vulgarities and that are written in good taste, even if they contradict something I may believe.

Thanks for reading the thoughts of an unashamed fundamental Baptist.

If you are interested, here is list of my classes this semester:

- Biblical Foundations of Ministry
(otherwise known as philosophy of ministry)
- Church Growth Strategies
- Cross-Cultural Communications
- Soteriology (the study of the doctrine of salvation)
- Eschatology (the study of prophecy)
- Principles of Christian Living
(developing a discipleship program)

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